Hunter for Hire
Wandering thrillseeker of the endless hunt
X'talyah Jinh

Home: Shirogane
Job: Huntress (WAR/MNK/ARC)
Character Details
Nicknames: Tal
Birth Name: Zaya (Disused)
Gender: Female
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Tribe: Qerel (Formerly)
Age: 29
Height: 160cm
Weight: 46kg
3S: B91/W60/H85
Sexuality: Pansexual
Biographical Details
Birthplace: The Azim Steppe
Hometown: Qerel Iloh
Residence: Shirogane
Occupation: Monster Hunter, Mercenary
Affiliation: Adventurer's Guild, Clan Centurio
Relationship Details
Mother: Enkhtuya Qerel (Deceased)
Father: X'jinh Tia (Adoptive), Ganzorig Qerel (Deceased)
Grandmother: Arban Qerel
Companions: Batu (Tiger), Tseren (Hawk)
Friends: — — —
Romantic Interest(s): Yayoi Kiyohara
You might come across Talyah if...
You're a member of Clan Centurio.You're in need of a monster slayer.You're in La Noscea or the Far East and you need some muscle.You spent time in Gyr Abania prior to the revolution.You were a member of the Confederacy in the Ruby Sea.
A Thirst for Battle

Talyah is playful and loyal to her friends, but prone to gratuitous outbursts of violence when hunting or on the battlefield. She showers her inner circle with affection and support while challenging them to grow. Tal tolerates the approach of those outside her circle, but keeps most at a distance unless they have some use to her. To some, her way of keeping distance comes off as arrogance, but in truth her heart has been hardened by years of travel.
Although Tal largely works solo for the independence and challenge of it, she is also a pragmatist and is not above teaming with others if it suits her goals. While there is glory to be had in taking down a powerful mark by one's self, she will not hesitate to call on others to join the fight so long as they agree to divide the loot on her terms. Tal knows full well that given a sufficiently powerful enemy, all tactics are eventually meaningless and the fight will become a battle of attrition.
As a solitary figure, Tal is used to long periods of silence broken only by the animal sounds of her companions Batu and Tseren. Prolonged contact with other people is a rarity for her, and she often finds it difficult to make small talk. The only person she has spent much time speaking with over the years has been X'jinh Tia, whom she came to see as a father after he took her under his wing. Preferring to cut to the chase with most people, Tal can be seen as cold and harsh at times, although she is not without empathy.
Since her return to the Far East, Tal has begun to change, largely thanks to the efforts of her newest companion, the hunt scholar Yayoi Kiyohara. While she still lives for the thrill of battle, she now shows a growing interest in other aspects of life, often accompanying Yayoi and learning from her. Perhaps with time, Tal's hunt will end and another chapter may begin.

Raised as "Zaya" by the Qerel tribe in the Azim Steppe, the girl was born with a wild streak. With her parents slain by rampaging Chaghan soon after her birth, she grew up fiercely independent and learned quickly to take care of herself under the guidance of her grandmother, Arban. Eager to fight and thirsty for the thrill of battle, she sparred with clanmates from an early age, growing sharper and more vicious with each lesson. A promising future as a hunter-warrior of the tribe seemed bright before her.
When Zaya came of age, she as countless others before her left the village to slay a tiger. Tradition demanded that she kill the beast with her own hands for its bones to become her armor.
The beast she chanced upon though was profoundly different from those encountered by her peers. A clever and resilient opponent, for the first time the girl found herself facing a beast that felt like an equal. She was fighting for her life, but at the same time she felt a grudging respect for the tiger.
After a brutal clash that lasted long past sundown, the two collapsed by the river at the foot of the Towering Still. The girl was grinning, even as she panted through ragged breaths, her back against the body of the beast. She could feel its every breath as it gasped for life. A thought crossed her mind - if it wanted to live so badly, why not let it? This was clearly no simple tiger. If the tribe demanded she return with a corpse, she could find another far easier to slay, but to kill this one would be a waste of beautiful savagery.
So it was that Zaya dedicated herself to nursing the beast back to health as she recovered from her own injuries. At first suspicious of its former opponent, the tiger weakly resisted her ministrations only to be pinned down and made to accept her care. With time, an understanding and bond formed between the two and they became inseparable. In recognition of her new companion's strength, Zaya named him Batu, meaning firmness in her people's tongue.

Accompanied by Batu, Zaya returned to the Qerel with the freshly slain corpse of a far lesser tiger in tow. Her arrival was greeted with astonishment, having been gone for several weeks - as part of the tribe's tradition, those who did not return were assumed to have failed in their rite of passage and either died or hidden away in shame.
Not so for the girl. Of those who had left for the rite, none had expected her to be gone so long. If anything, that she was not the first to return came as a shock to many. Even so, long after the others had agreed she was probably dead, her grandmother Arban had faith in her return. But despite the joy of her return, her new companion presented a challenge for the rest of the Qerel. By tradition, they slew tigers as a rite of passage to create their warrior armor. None had ever gone so far as to return with not just one, but two, and one of them as a companion at that.
Faced with such an extraordinary circumstance, the tribe gave Zaya a choice. She could part ways with the beast and it would be permitted to live so long as it was marked for other Qerel to know it so - or she could leave with Batu and forge a new path for themselves.
For Zaya, the choice was simple. She could wrestle a magnificent specimen of a tiger into submission and make it her friend - why doubt herself now? After a loving farewell to Arban, the girl gathered her belongings and left the Qerel with Batu and her hunting hawk Tseren at her side. Where she would end up, she did not know. But at the least, she trusted that they would find their way together.
Knowing little of the world beyond the Steppe, Zaya first traveled to the Kha tribe on the edge of the Xaela lands and listened to their tales of other peoples and distant lands. Following what little she could understand, she then made her way south towards the Ruby Sea. There she found herself at a crossroads.
Full of youthful energy and with no home to return to, Zaya would have been the perfect recruit for the Confederacy of pirates that dominated the Ruby Sea. However, joining their ranks demanded the taking of a lifelong oath. With her entire life before her still, Zaya felt little choice but to seek less binding ties.

Instead, Zaya approached the fishing village of Isari. The sight of a young Xaela with a tiger and hawk in tow raised more than a few eyebrows. When the leader of the village hailed the young girl from a distance, she waved back with a shout of joy. Zaya eagerly explained her circumstances and implored them to let her stay for a time. She would work hard and do her best to learn so that she might earn her keep, if they would have her. After some thought and discussion with the rest of the village, the leader gestured towards Batu and asked what she planned for the tiger. Zaya planted herself firmly in front of Batu and looked evenly in the leader's eyes, swearing that he was as a brother to her and could be taught to serve alongside her.
With a hearty laugh, the leader turned to a sturdy looking woman and asked if she would take the girl under her wing. The woman appraised Zaya and noted the fire in her eyes. With a nod, she motioned for the girl to follow her to her home. As they walked, the woman told Zaya would be allowed to keep her tiger, provided she took full responsibility for him. She would have to feed him, clean up after him, and see that he behaved. If not, they would both suffer for it, or be cast out altogether.
The girl accepted the terms gratefully, promising to keep the villagers' trust and return their kindness.

10 years she spent in the Ruby Sea, learning the fisher's trade and the business that came along with it. Under the guidance of the woman who took her in, Zaya gradually grew into an accomplished fisher. The years passed uneasily, as the threat of monsters and Garleans loomed constantly in the villagers' minds. To that end, Zaya and Batu found themselves defending the village from encroaching creatures in place of the hired adventurers they might otherwise rely on.
As her 23rd birthday approached, Zaya's mind began to wander again to thoughts of distant lands. Recalling the tales she'd heard from the Kha tribe before she left the Steppe, she looked towards Kugane. She'd grown fond of Isari, but this was never where she was meant to stay. The time she'd spent there was merely a stepping stone. She'd learned much about fishing, but in her stay she'd also heard a great deal of the outside world from visiting merchants and Confederate pirates. All the while, she'd kept her fighting skills sharp as well by honing herself against the monsters that threatened the village's livelihood from time to time.

With a heavy heart, Zaya said her goodbyes to the villagers and took her leave on a boat bound for Kugane. There, she found a berth on a merchant ship headed towards the city-state of Limsa Lominsa to the west. After they'd comfortably settled in a corner of the ship Batu let out a rumbling purr beside Zaya. With a deep sigh, she lay her head against his back and let herself drift off to sleep as their journey westward finally began.

Nearly alone in an unfamiliar land, Zaya's first order of business was to earn some coin and find a place to stay. She didn't lack for skills, but she knew little of how to market them to those who might pay. Nor did it help that the Lominsan guard had no appreciation for Batu's presence. After arguing for what seemed like an age to allow him to stay by her side, she finally made her way to the Adventurer's Guild on the upper decks.
As one could expect, she attracted no shortage of stares with Batu at her side, not to mention her long white braids. As she approached the counter in the Drowning Wench, the man behind the counter eyed the tiger warily. When asked her business, Zaya responded she was new to town and looking for work for herself and her companion.
The man raised an eyebrow and pointed at Batu questioningly. Deadpan, Zaya said yes in a matter of fact tone that brooked no argument. With a sigh, the man brought out a book and opened it to a page full of scribbled names and signatures. Zaya grimaced as she stared at the page, having never learned to read or write the language of the west.
The man shook his head and took the quill into his own hand and asked Zaya for her name. Thinking for a moment, she pondered whether she still wished to use her old name, having left the Qerel to start a new life apart. No, if she was to forge her own path, she would choose her own name.
Talyah, she answered the man, who wrote the name in the book. Pricking her thumb, she then pressed a bloody print on the page beside her name. Motioning to the tiger beside her, she gave the man Batu's name as well. The man hesitated before letting out an exasperated sigh and shaking his head again. Stranger things had happened, he muttered to himself as he wrote Batu's name. Pouring some ink into a small bowl he pulled from beneath the counter, he pushed it over to them. Tal gestured for Batu to dip his paw in the ink and then pressed it upon the page beside his name, leaving a messy black paw print on the paper.
So it was that the two became members of the Adventurer's Guild, as strange as it seemed to the onlookers. But much like the man said - these were strange times, and stranger things were yet to come.
The commotion of "Talyah" and Batu arriving caught the attention of an old veteran who'd been enjoying a meal at the Drowning Wench.
After watching the two sign on as members of the Guild, the older Miqo'te waved them over and introduced himself as X'jinh Tia. A former Nunh who'd been bested by a younger challenger in his growing age, X'jinh left his tribe after his defeat to explore the outside world as he'd always wished to since his youth. Eventually that brought him to the island of Vylbrand, where he started a new life in Limsa Lominsa.
A Xaela with Talyah's features was an uncommon sight in these parts, though there were the occasional visitors passing through on business, even more so since the opening of trade with Hingashi. X'jinh, ever the curious explorer, found himself asking for Talyah and Batu's story. Not without its own reward of course - he made sure to order a warm meal for the girl and a heaping platter of meat for the tiger.

The tale she told brought a smile to X'jinh's face. It reminded him of several younger Tia from the tribe who'd chosen to leave and make their own way during his time as Nunh. He'd gone through much the same when he finally left the tribe himself, journeying to unfamiliar lands and finding himself lost among strangers with customs he barely knew.
Impressed by the young Xaela's decisiveness and the bond she'd forged with her feline companion, X'jinh made Talyah an offer that he'd only given a few others over the years. Should she need a place to stay between jobs and a mentor to teach her the ways of the west, the old Miqo'te would be happy to take her under his wing.
Talyah was independent, but she was hardly foolish enough to pass up a chance at a warm bed and knowledge that could put her on firm footing in this foreign land. Besides, Batu seemed calm enough in X'jinh's presence so she felt little reason to doubt his intentions. She gladly accepted the offer and to seal the deal, X'jinh ordered them a pair of drinks.
Over the following year, X'jinh taught Talyah to read and write the Eorzean script while also guiding her to find her niche as an adventurer. The girl showed an aptitude for hunting and slaying monsters, as well as escorting travelers through areas fraught with danger. Before long, X'jinh introduced her to Clan Centurio and its numerous bounties so that she might make a name for herself.
At the same time though, X'jinh worried at her frequent choice of going unarmed in her duties. While she was a capable brawler, he took no pleasure in seeing her return covered in bruises and cuts. Reports that she attempted to beat a behemoth to death before a party of more heavily armed adventurers arrived did little to ease his worries.

When he asked her whether she would ever consider taking up a weapon, Talyah shrugged. She'd always done fine without, but she also hadn't ever spent the time to study a particular weapon at length. If handed a bow or spear, she could be a reasonably accurate hunter, but she was certainly no sharpshooter.
The old Miqo'te decided that if she were to continue as his protégé, he would at least offer her the chance to see the different martial arts in Eorzea. After many fruitless visits to various schools, they finally returned to Limsa Lominsa where Talyah showed a strong affinity for the savagery of the greataxe. So it was that she began her training with the Marauder's Guild.

Perhaps it was the wildness within her that made Talyah so suited to the greataxe. Seeing her battledance of steel and fury sent a shudder down X'jinh's spine as he watched her training. At times, it appeared as if she were almost an animal, the axe merely an extension of her primal savagery.

When X'jinh mentioned these observations to the Axemaster Wyrnzoen, the stalwart Sea Wolf remarked that should Talyah master his teachings, she might then seek out those who still practiced the art of the warrior. Perhaps they would be able to teach her to harness her inner beast instead of losing herself to it. Fortunately, one such warrior frequented the lands of La Noscea so it would be easy enough to find him when the time came.
As Talyah continued to train, it became evident that the beast within her was growing stronger and more prominent. She could feel herself slipping at times and it worried her. The Qerel spoke of the Will of Karash, a berserker rage of unchecked violence. From what her grandmother Arban had told her, when she was just a babe, her mother and father were slain by a fellow tribesman who'd succumbed to Karash while they were hunting. While he expressed remorse and the tribe could not fully fault him for something he could not control, he was a danger and had to be exiled for the safety of the group.
The young Xaela tried to steel her mind through frequent meditation, forging a sharpened focus that could quell her impulses for the most part. But even that was no guarantee against Karash. Given time, she would eventually succumb and she could only hope that when that happened there was no one nearby for her to hurt.

X'jinh watched her struggle with growing concern. He'd wanted the best for her when he proposed she take up a weapon, but if it meant she'd lose herself in a violent rage then perhaps it was the wrong choice. After so long, Talyah was like a daughter to the old Miqo'te. He couldn't bear to see her suffer so because of a choice he'd pressed upon her. Speaking to Wyrnzoen, he asked if there was anything to be done.
After a pause, the Axemaster remarked that it was time for what they'd spoken of before. He'd already taught Talyah all that he could and this was no longer something he could guide her through. Talyah would need to seek out others. The logical choice would be to seek out those versed in the art of the warrior, a martial tradition specialized in harnessing the inner beast. Of course, in recent times fewer remained and even those who did were rumored to struggle with control of their power - at times being consumed as rampaging monsters.

Departing for Wineport on a hint that a ferocious axe-wielder had been seen in the vicinity, Talyah came face to face with an earnest Roegadyn who claimed to be the successor of the warrior arts. Curious Gorge, he called himself.
Unfortunately, Curious Gorge turned out to be little help to Talyah at first. Rather than explain how to control the fury within her, his only interest seemed to be spreading the way of the warrior, as if desperate to ensure the survival of his heritage. If anything, Talyah suspected that Gorge had not yet fully tamed his own inner beast and could not give her the answers she sought. Discouraged, the young Xaela left Wineport no wiser than when she'd arrived.
Unwilling to return home with matters unresolved, Talyah set off in search of a true solution to her problem. Her journey took her as far as Gyr Abania, where she fell in with remnants of the Fist of Rhalgr. She remained in the war-torn reaches of Gyr Abania for nearly two years, the events of which she refused to recount to X'jinh upon her return, save to say that he need not worry about the beast for the time being. Seeing Talyah and Batu moving as if of one mind after their return, X'jinh suspected that their bond was part of the answer they had found. Nevertheless, Talyah would say nothing when pressed for more details.

Flames of the east
With her inner beast seemingly tamed, Talyah returned to her work as a hunter and hired blade. For a time, it seemed that life would be simple enough. The jobs she took provided a steady stream of income while building her reputation within Clan Centurio as a hunter as savage as the prey they sought. But as news of rebellion and war in Gyr Abania and the Far East trickled westward, she found her thoughts wandering to her old home in the Steppe.
After some encouragement from her fellow hunters in Clan Centurio, Talyah made a return to the Far East to see what new opportunities she would find in the conflict-torn region. Before she left with Batu and Tseren in tow, X'jinh presented her with a letter of introduction. With letter in hand, Talyah sailed for Kugane.

In Kugane, Talyah presented the Clan Centurio representative Wlveva with X'jinh's letter. After perusing its contents, Wlveva appraised Talyah and remarked that if it was opportunity she sought, the Far East had plenty to offer for a hunter of her skills and reputation. With her record, she was certainly fit to take on Veteran Clan marks. With time, perhaps she'd even join the ranks of the Clan's elite.
After taking several mark bills from the board, Talyah left Batu and Tseren with Wlveva to avoid causing a commotion in the Shiokaze Hostelry. Inside, she glanced around and scanned the clientele for possible competitors - or even teammates. While she was used to hunting as a solitary pursuit, if she aimed to climb the ranks and become one of the elite, it wouldn't hurt to start making allies who might take on stronger marks alongside her.
It seemed that most customers were ordinary citizens enjoying food and drink alone or with company. A few sailors were scattered among the tables, easily identifiable from their garb and rougher temperament. No one stood out terribly, save for a woman in leather armor seated alone at a table full of drinks with a book in her lap. Her curiosity piqued, Talyah approached the woman.

As she introduced herself, Talyah gestured towards the book and asked about the contents. With a tired look, the woman answered that she was compiling a journal on the various fauna of the Far East with a special interest in large predatory specimens. After seeing the questioning look on Talyah's face, she sighed and summarized in simpler terms: she was a hunt scholar named Yayoi.
Having worked with several hunt scholars in Clan Centurio before, Talyah knew the value they could provide. Knowing your enemy was half the battle as people said, and having a reliable source of information could make her job much easier.
Talyah was eager to have someone she could rely on in the East and quickly seized upon this opportunity, asking if Yayoi would be willing to work with her. The scholar eyed her warily, uncertain what ulterior motives might be at play here. What would she be getting out of it, after all?
The huntress's answer was simple. As long as Yayoi provided her with information on marks, Talyah would bring back any materials or samples that she might desire for her studies. She surmised that these were not easily obtainable otherwise, and would be a worthwhile trade for the scholar.
As it turned out, Yayoi had an even bolder request. If Talyah was willing to take her into the field, she would use the opportunity to procure information firsthand rather than relying upon the accounts of returning hunters or other scholars. Other hunters had declined her, seeing a scholar in the field as naught but an added burden. Yayoi promised Talyah that if she would have her, she would use every resource at her disposal to ensure their success.
Talyah was caught off guard by Yayoi's request. Like the other hunters, her first instinct was that bringing a scholar with her would be an unnecessary worry. But ever one to try something new, Talyah decided to pry further. If Yayoi were to come along, what useful skills might she provide in the field?
To her surprise, Yayoi claimed she was a capable healer and also trained in the arcane arts. Should Talyah have need of her abilities, she could stand alongside her in battle.
That was all Talyah needed to hear. Grabbing one of the bottles from the table, she filled Yayoi's cup and called for another one to be brought over. Raising her cup, she grinned and told Yayoi she looked forward to a fruitful relationship for many hunts to come. With a look of slight surprise, Yayoi hesitantly raised her cup as well as the two shared a toast to their new partnership.